Welcome to Showmanship-Patterns

The blog with patterns to practice showmanship with! These patterns may not be used for publishing or resale, however feel free to copy them for your own personal use!
I'll post my findings on these as we practice them ourselves! Happy practicing and we'll see you in the show pen!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Thank You and an Explanation

First, those that have emailed me, I want to thank you, I read and try to reply to each email and for those that have commented I've tried to leave comments back also...it's been a very rough few months, so my showmanship blog has suffered greatly! (obviously)...and I know many of you have been anxiously awaiting my take on the Congress pattnerns... I just wanted to assure you I WILL get to those this week, and plan on returning to the showmanship blog with patterns at least ONCE a week...

The REASON I fell so far behind is that my dh broke his rib 1 WEEK before congress, and when you break a rib there isn't much you can do, he was in severe pain, he couldn't even tie his shoes! So I went to having a partner at home and in our horse training business to be the sole provider for EVERYTHING! Then add the pressure of the holidays on top of it, and let's just say I was a bit overwhelmed and I needed some time to recover as dh FINALLY has...so now we're almost back to "normal".

I'm going to extend this offer out...if you have a showmanship pattern you would like to see "dissected" email it to me (kevinpaulacarr@aol.com) and I will dissect it here on the blog and it might even get practiced here for further dissection.

Again, thank you for your patience and (as soon as I figure out where they are) I'll get the Congress patterns up no later than Monday...

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