Welcome to Showmanship-Patterns

The blog with patterns to practice showmanship with! These patterns may not be used for publishing or resale, however feel free to copy them for your own personal use!
I'll post my findings on these as we practice them ourselves! Happy practicing and we'll see you in the show pen!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Photo your breed papers/card with your Smart Phone

Ok, seriously this is a V8 moment, while cruising through my facebook feed, I came across a post from Mark Harrell Horse Shows. Now if you've never shown at a Mark Harrell Horse Show, they've got their office work down to a science, really!  Their suggestion was to get all your paperwork done before you got to the office and remember to PHOTO your breed card and papers with your smartphone, this way if you forget to bring your papers or card with you, they still have all the information they need! 
As a trainer, I will definately be doing my card this way, I'm constantly losing it with one client or another, when they sign me up for a class, they bring my card back and put it "somewhere" and then I forget about it, until NEXT show...lol.
Ingenius... why didn't "I" think of that.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Why being in shape is so important

New year, new year's resolutions. The best showmanshippers are the ones that are in shape, I'm not saying they have the "perfect" body, but they have the wind in their lungs to practice and then go in on a long pattern and arrive in front of the judge not winded.  Showmanship takes cardio, upper AND lower body strength, if you're lacking it's going to show to the judge. Think about it, all patterns have running, running in circles (balance) and practice usually involves pulling your horse around, sometimes head down (or up) and you need that upper body strength!  If you don't work out on a regular basis, or feel you don't have the time/money, whatever may I highly recommend Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, it's a 20 minute a day workout that really gets everything into shape in 20 minutes/day (of course check with your dr. before starting any workout) and currently is $6.99 at amazon... cheap for the results you'll get, you'll notice you're balance improving, your upper and lower strength improving and most importantly, you'll get less winded.