Welcome to Showmanship-Patterns

The blog with patterns to practice showmanship with! These patterns may not be used for publishing or resale, however feel free to copy them for your own personal use!
I'll post my findings on these as we practice them ourselves! Happy practicing and we'll see you in the show pen!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The most important piece of clothing on your outfit

What is the most important part of your outfit?

Your HAT!

Spend the most you can on a GOOD felt hat (the more X's the better the felt, a 20X hat is a better hat than an 8X and thus more expensive). Your hat sends a statement to the judge...you want that statement to be I'M A WINNER!

Here are some hat tips:

  • Felt hats are "in season" year round, straw hats are "in season" from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
  • Your hat should always been clean and shaped (no tortilla looking hat brims!)
  • Always handle your hat by it's crown NEVER the delicate brim.
  • Purchase a hat can for your felt and transfer your hat to a climate controlled area as much as possible to keep it looking it's best.
  • NEVER store your hat in a plastic bag, the moisture of your sweat and the heat will warp your delicate brim...this is the same for plastic "hat savers" on the rainy days, the moisture and heat from your head will get trapped in the plastic hat saver, warping your hat...opt for your straw or your felt and then dry it out later.
  • Look through magazines to find out what type of shape you want your hat to be and take that to the shaper.
  • Bobby pin your hat to your head on windy days (nothing says unprepared like a cowboy hat bouncing across the arena on a windy day!)
  • Your hat fits properly when you put it on and can not shake it off, even if you do a hand stand!
  • Remember to keep a hat brush on hand for last minute touch ups before you enter the show pen.

Follow those tips and you'll look your best every time you enter the show pen!

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