Welcome to Showmanship-Patterns

The blog with patterns to practice showmanship with! These patterns may not be used for publishing or resale, however feel free to copy them for your own personal use!
I'll post my findings on these as we practice them ourselves! Happy practicing and we'll see you in the show pen!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Pattern 4, Novice


  1. Walk from cone 1 to cone 2
  2. Pick up at trot at cone 2 and trot a serpentine to cone 3
  3. At cone 3 break to a walk
  4. Walk to cone 4 and stop
  5. Perform a 270 turn and trot to judge
  6. Set up for inspection
  7. Upon dismissal, back 4 steps and exit at a walk
My findings:

  1. Make a mental note where cone 2 is, as it becomes a blind spot.
  2. Be sure to make your trot brisk, because you will be doing more running than your horse around cone 2.
  3. Your break down to a walk needs to be smooth, practice it exclusively until you get a smooth transition.
  4. Pay attention to where your horse's hip lands with the judge, you want to be square on with the judge after your 270.
  5. This pattern can be made more difficult the closer the judge stands to the cones.

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