The walk around inspection is such a setting your horse up square. I have put together a diagram to help those that are confused on WHERE to stand when the judge walks around you.
A quick run down is that your horse is divided into quarters, imaginary lines are drawn from nose to tail and shoulder to shoulder (see diagram). You should always be ONE QUARTER AWAY from the judge. An easy way to remember this is, if you can't see or have to STRAIN to see the judge, you're probably in the WRONG POSITION! As the judge crosses the imaginary line, cross over to the next position, however don't be too anxious (judges, for example MAY stop at the middle of your horse's what? Stay put until they actually pass that imaginary line.) Same as when the judge is in the middle of your horse's head, either wait for them to make your move or acknowledge you (for dimissal or completion of pattern), THEN crossover (if necessary). Confused? Feel free to put a comment here and I'll do my best to answer them! Here's the diagram, enjoy!
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