Welcome to Showmanship-Patterns

The blog with patterns to practice showmanship with! These patterns may not be used for publishing or resale, however feel free to copy them for your own personal use!
I'll post my findings on these as we practice them ourselves! Happy practicing and we'll see you in the show pen!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This years show findings...

...Ok, so you're missing the patterns and I just quite frankly, am out of time to computer draw them...sorry... busy barn, busy judging schedule...and I haven't had a day off in a least 3 + Weeks...LOL...so...no pattern THIS time, BUT since we're on the road I'll give you a taste in what we are finding...

Lots of Trot to Walk transitions this year...so start practicing those.
Spins and lots of them...more than 360's...last weeks pattern required 3 spins.

These are the "in" things apparently this year...

Ok, back to business...happy practicing!